Senin, 04 April 2011

Dampak Negatif Film Porno

Intro:Langsung aj ya,sebenernya ni blog si buat gaming tapi karna banyak yang suka nonton bf dan ane pengen ngebantu temen2 ane yang kecanduan nah sekarang ane perjelas tentang dampak negatif bokep.

Sebenarnya dampak negatif nonton bokep tu banyak mulai dari kecanduan,kesehatan,otak,memori dll.Dan paling resiko di otak soalnya ada 5 bagian otak yang terganggu karena ini.Dan lebih bahaya nonton bokep daripada mengkonsumsi narkoba.Kalo narkoba cuma 3 bagian kalo bokep 5 jadi lebih bahaya mana?pasti nonton bokep kan.Jadi bagi temen2 ane/bagi pecandu pecandu bokep mendingan insyaf dari sekarang karena kalo gk bahaya banget.Klo gk percaya bisa temen2 cek di sini:Dampak Nonton Film Porno(lengkapnya) dan satu lagi klo yang ini bagi otak temen2 klo kebanyakan nonton bokep:Dampak Nonton Film Porno(bagi otak).

Serem kan kalo otak kita sewaktu waktu di ronsen jadinya mengecil,So tunggu apalagi insyaf secepetnya suapaya setidaknya bisa meminimalisir efek2 dari nonton bokep itu.Dan selalu inget bahwa nonton bokep itu dosa dan termasuk zinah yaitu zinah mata.Dan tips ane buat tmen2:bokep=rokok,bokep=narkoba.Maksudnya bokep bisa menyebabkan ketagihan dan juga mempunyai dampak-dampaknya layaknya narkoba dan rokok dan bagi tmen2 yang suka nonton bokep juga mendukung perindustrian bokep jadi gimana generasi muda mau maju kalo nontonnya bokep mulu jadi buat temen2 yang masih aktif mending tobat dan insyaf tapi insyafnya jangn maen2 yang serius.Sekian info dari ane smoga bermanfaat.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

My Future Movie:

In May 2011 later i will release some my movie of course better than before:
  1. DotA,Destruct
  2. DotA,The Ambitious
  3. DotA,Nightmare Never The End
I`ll release it to youtube later,if u like it pls subscribe.And pls be patient.Thx for your participant and i wait for your suggestion.

My Short Guide to Invoker(DPS Build)

I hate and never play this hero.Because the fu**ing invoker spell is hard to use for newbie and u need memorize the combos skill and hotkey.But u can download software to solve that problem u can also find the tool that function same as invoker tool to handle problem meepo hero download the tool here:Invoker and Meepo tools.See this guide.Many people play invoker only to show him is pro than others.So,that statement is maybe yes and maybe not.So lets go.

  1. Gauntlet
  2. Healing salve
  3. Ancient tango
  4. Branch as you need
  5. Buy gauntlet if the money is enough
  1. Power treads
  2. MoM(Why i choose MoM?Cause here i build DPS type.So,I use MoM and u can do aclarity skill that skill u give the imba damage)
  3. Preserevence
  4. Force staff
  5. Magic wand
  6. Urn of shadows
  1. Power treads===>Boots of Travel if necessary
  2. MoM
  3. Linken
  4. Force staff/MKB
  5. Hex
  6. Buriza do kyanon
And you will waiting your enemy to say GG.

Thx to icefrog to make hero like Invoker..!!

My Dream item build for Admiral

  1. Clarity as you need
  2. Healing salve
  3. Ancient tango
  4. Gauntlets strength
  5. Branch
  6.  Anything
  1. I prefer to Power treads instead Boots phase
  2. Bottle
  3. Vanguard
  4. Preserevence
  5. Bracer
  6. Anything
  1. Power treads===>Boots of travel if necessary
  2. Battle Fury
  3. Buriza Do-Kyanon
  4. Stygian Desolator
  5.  Divine Rapier/Orchid Maleveolance
The Best admiral is playing for critical.Because,admiral has a god splash,and then go combo like this:


Thx to icefrog to make hero like Admiral..!!

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Akasha Item (My Version).

Starting item:
  1. Courier and then later upgrade it!
  2. Healing salve
  3. Ancient tangos
  4. Mantle of intl
  5. branch
Core item:

  1. Bottle
  2. Power treads
  3. Null talisman
  4. Magic wand
  5. Preserevence
Luxury item:
  1. Power treads===>Boots of Travel if necesseary.
  2. Linken sphere
  3. Guinsoo
  4. Buriza do Kyanon
  5. MKB(If got hero like:mortred or item butterfly)
  6. 2x Divine rapier(Replace one item if that item is useless)

Optional Luxury item:
  1. Power treads===>Boots of travel
  2. BKB
  3. Buriza do kyanon/Orchid maleveolance
  4. MKB
  5. Buriza do kyanon
  6. Divine Rapier
I dont like use desolator in heroes like:sf,akasha,mirana.So if u want to put it in your inventory is up 2 u.

thx for Ice frog to make cool and unique heroes.My lovely hero Akasha!

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Which better shoes?

This shoes is good has a fast ms and can teleport to ally building and u don`t need to give slot to tp enough this boot.But this boot too expensive to buy u can buy boot phase or power treads first.

This boot has a cheap price but has big advantage.The advantage is u can change ur boot into 3types:int,str and agi.But between that u can also do manipulating mana and hp.If u dont know how to do manipulating u can see at this:"Boots Argument"